this is love

الخميس، 10 مارس 2011

some eunhae's facts

When Donghae and the ballerina ran off..
Eunhyuk: I can’t accept this marriage!!

(just marry me EUNHYUK !!!)

Explorers of the Human Body Episode 6

Eunhyuk: Before, when I first saw Donghae, I really liked him.
Donghae: WHAT!?

Super Junior Mini Drama

  • Eunhyuk’s dad is also EunHae supporter
  • Donghae put his photo with Eunhyuk’s mom in his wallet
  • when Heechul or Kangin bully Donghae, Eunhyuk would always be
    there to protect him :D
  • Donghae joined cyworld because of Eunhyuk while Eunhyuk joined Twitter because of Donghae
  • Donghae always smiled when he sees EunHae banners
  • Eunhyuk said that during practice when he is tired he only has to look at Donghae to feel energized once again
  • Donghae told that when he had something in his mind, he will asked Eunhyuk what he should do.
  • Donghae gets jealous with EunTeuk everytime he sees them. SO, when sees them together ,he suddenly sticks along with them
  • Donghae doesn’t like to be alone, so Eunhyuk always accompanies him
  • Donghae always stand near to Eunhyuk when they are in the same show!
  • Donghae loves teasing and abusing Eunhyuk, Eunhyuk just takes it, making Donghae does it more
  • EunHae got ranking 9 of Mnet best Boy Couple

Hae: “Hello”

Hyuk: “we are EunHae”

Hae: ^o^ “Can we say that in public?”

Hyuk: “What are you talking about? I just shortened our names

- Super Junior Adonis Camp Eunhyuk Self-camera

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