this is love

الأربعاء، 26 أكتوبر 2011

(Tweeted in English)

    • Super Junior members are taking a short holiday after SMTown NYC.
    • Members have gone separate destinations to where they want to spend their vacation.
    • So far, Leeteuk and Donghae informed us that they are in Saipan, while Eunhyuk is in Prague in Czech Republic.
    • Donghae tweeted a photo of him and Leeteuk having fun in a beach, he tweeted,
    • @donghae101516: Not jealous of Eunhyuk !! ㅎㅎ Eunhyuk-ah can u see ?? It’s not a real holiday without Teukie hyung ㅎㅎㅎ Eunhyuk-ah you’ve lost!!
    • Eunhyuk tweeted yesterday, “Honey Family in Czech Prague”.

    AllRiseSilver Eun Hyuk   마시…뉴욕에 있을 때 보고싶었어… MaSi… I miss when we were in New York…

     @AllRiseSilver : Honey Family in Czech Prague

    @AllRiseSilver: SMTOWN live in NY!!!! I have a dream for a long time…I have thought when could I have a performance in here, Madison Square Garden…all of the SM artists and staff members and fans loving us make it possible, I think…^^
    @AllRiseSilver:SMTOWN live in NY!!!! 오래전부터 꿈꿔오면서…내가 과연 이 곳에서 공연 할 날이 올까 생각했었던 메디슨스퀘어가든…SM의 모든 아티스트와 스탭들 그리고 SM을 사랑해 주시고 응원해주신 팬분들이 계셨기에 가능했던것 같네요…^^
    @AllRiseSilver: All artists and staff of SM and ELF, Casiopea*, Wish*, Shinie* world, F/X* Fans, thank you so much!!!! Now world anchovy is going to world keke Fighting!!! I love you♥
    @AllRiseSilver: SM의 모든 아티스트와 스탭분들 그리고 엘프 카시오페아 소원 샤이니월드 에프엑스팬분들 모두모두 감사드립니다!!! 이제 진짜 월드멸치가 월드로 갑니다ㅋㅋ 화이팅!!! 사랑해요♥

     donghae101516: Not jealous of Eunhyuk !! ㅎㅎ Eunhyuk-ah can u see ?? It’s not a real holiday without Teukie hyung ㅎㅎㅎ Eunhyuk-ah you’ve lost

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