this is love

الجمعة، 2 مارس 2012

[EUNHAE Hidden Moment 1] Minho teasing DongHae abt Hyuk's charm

I re-watched all Hyuk dance clip and suddenly this moment slapped at my face LOL. Why nobody ever noticed before!!?

When Hyuk is flaunting his charisma and sexiness on stage, Minho whispers something in DongHae's ear that makes Fishy shy and bumps his shoulder. Our EunHae's child obviously teases his Omma again, must be something "naughty" related to his Appa since Minho is suspiciously looking at Hyuk's way while whispering to DongHae. And OMG DongHae with the shoulder-bump (punish his kid) and the shy smile is a PLUS!!
You will understand what I mean when watching this EunHae moment. But I swear to God and I am totally sure about this: Minho KNEW "Eunhae is real" or at least the "one-side love" of Hae for Hyuk.

Made by myself -- Haivami, please DO NOT re-upload (it is my first video EVER so it is very meaningful to me, I hope noone would repost this). Thank you!

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